Bambie -Mother of Azumi. Ain't she a beauty? She's stunningly beautiful.
Ah, the loving parents of Azumi, so much in love.
the dashing father of baby Azumi, looks like a movie star
Their memorable photos circa 2005
Their memorable photos circa 2008, take note of
Baby Azumi's ultra sound photo
Memorable photos circa 2007
Memorable photos circa 2006
Christmas photos circa 2005
The Beginning - Birth of Baby Anzu, surrounded
by her proud parents
Baby Anzu in her tigger costume
Bad mood day for Baby Anzu
Photograph of regal family in sephia color
The future ballerina, Can you do that split?
Doting parents with their amused baby
Penny for your thoughts royal baby in saffron robes.
Playing hide and seek with her dearest mommy
Ah the complete happiness of a mommy with her baby
That's enough grannie, you might suck off my pretty face.
Baby Azumi with her proud grandma
Now this is tough, which one should I eat first?
Baby, this is how you should pose, lol..
Ah, here comes the future superstar, wait until I fix
my sunglass before I give autographs.
It's a wonderful life
Hey, can't a baby have privacy?
Ah, I think I'm having my first tooth.
Can you see it mommy, can you?
We'll enter the prettiest mommy and baby contest, lol.
Mommy, our picture is very small,
did you skimp on the film?
Ah here comes the newest father and baby ninja fighters.
She's mine. all mine.
Favorite things of Azumi
Various pictures, various moods
See me in my stroller
More pictures also with my stroller
I looked boyish here, lol.
Photos of my first birthday
A baby straight from heaven, is there a baby cuter than me? joke only.
This could have been my entry to the Smile Contest, sayang.
My baby photos, ang cute ko no?
My hello kitty pictures, where's my talent fee? lol.
My pictures before and after taking a bath
Blog - Azumi
Writer - Bambie
No personal profile found in her blogs.
Technical Features- The blog of Azumi is simple but elegant and very feminine. It features the life of Baby Azumi and her different pictures. The template is simple yet elegant. Layout is also technically sound. The blog is visually attractive to blog hoppers.
Rating For Technical Features - 9
Contents- Contents of this blog are primarily the life of Baby Azumi with numerous photos of her development. The photos are so attractive and Baby Azumi is so cute that you could literally pinched her on her cheeks. The personal life of the author is scarcely mentioned in this blog except for the initial posts. The author specifically designed the blog to feature exclusively on her daughter as some sort of a diary for presentation to her when she grows up. This speaks so much of her love and devotion to her darling princess.
Ratings For Contents - 10
Tags: Baby Azumi, Bambie, Anzu, Kawaii Princess, Japan, Philippines, Mother, Father, Love, Devotion, Family, Photos, Marriage, Beautiful Life, Wonderful World
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
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