of Dust Bunny Hostage
To Be A Matinee Idol
Blog - Dust Bunny Hostage
Writer - Jennifer (USA)
url - http://www.dustbunnyhostage.com/
Personal Profile
- Age: 38
- Gender: Female
- Industry: Non-Profit
- Occupation: Cup Holder, Coat Rack, Alarm Clock, Tooth Puller, Referee.....
- Location: Roll Tide Avenue : Alabama : United States
About Me
Christian. Wife. Mother. And NOT very good at any of the three. Living a life filled with Grace as the Lord, my husband, and my three kids love me anyway. "Who am I Lord, that you are mindful of me?"
You get to ride the big roller coaster three times in a row. What will keep your dad from taking a bite out of your candy apple?
The Candy is gone, and he can HAVE the apple. But he will lose a finger if he tries to get my Cotton Candy.
Favorite Movies
Favorite Music
Favorite Books
- Children's books like
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- A Wrinkle in Time
- The Secret Garden
- Junie B. Jones.
- Daisy Fay and the Miracle Man
- is fabulous!
Technical Features -
Technical features of Jen's blog is just about average. It is a personal blog sans any commercialism or advertisements. Template is just about average too and over-all layout is the same. The blog is intended to inform and entertain and not to impress.
Ratings For Technical Features- 8
Contents -
Contents are a hodgepodge of personal and family anecdotes interspersed with a lot of humor and Christian values. She relates their adventures as a family like nobody else can. She also shows her Christian avocation through prayer requests and other personal ministrations. Her family exhibits a closely knit relationship with lots of bonding experiences. She is an exemplary blogger who never fails to inspire her readers with her no nonsense posts. She is a blogger friend of mine and I'm proud to have her as my friend.
Ratings For Contents - 10
Tags: Dust Bunny Hostage, Jennifer, USA, Family, Wife, Mother, Blogger, Bonding, Diva Daughter, Son
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla